Fancy retailing with us at one of our pop-up shops or market events?

Register your interest below - charity retailers only please!

POP-up shops

Charity Super.Mkt’s shops ‘pop-up’ in unused retail space in shopping centres around the UK, usually for around 6-8 weeks. Charities are given a 600 to 800 sqft plot on the shop to fill with their own clothing and accessories stock. The shop uses a centralised till system with the individual item sales being attributed to each charity. This means shoppers can purchase from multiple charities in one transaction. For more information click here.

market events

Our market-style events take place at larger scale events such as The Classic Car Boot Sale, usually taking place over a weekend. Charities trade outdoors, side-by-side in individual gazebos. Unlike our longer pop-ups, at our market-style events we do not operate a centralised tilling system and you are welcome to sell homewares, books, records and so on in addition to clothing and accessories. Read our market-style events FAQs for more information.